Monday, June 14, 2010


The biggest automotive exhibition, the International Indonesia Motor Show 2010, will be used by PT Astra Daihatsu Motor to bring vehicles with cheap car concept. Remarkably again, Indonesia was elected to become the first country that will showcase the vehicle.

"His name has not been determined and is still concepts. This product will be a forerunner to cheap car based program of the Government of Indonesia," said Amelia Tjandra, Marketing Director of ADM, Monday (14/06/2010) in Jakarta.

The vehicle according to Amelia was the answer from the Government of Indonesia to visit Daihatsu in Japan. In return, Daihatsu wanted to show its commitment in supporting the program, initiated by the Indonesian Government.

"The car is unique, can make transport people and goods. Machinery yet to be determined. We wanted to under 1.000cc and the price can be below Rp 100 million," said Amelia.

Realization of this car is still awaiting regulatory center of simmering in the Ministry of Finance.

Apart from the concept car, Daihatsu will also bring environmentally friendly products e: S. He first exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show 2009 event.

Both cars will be the belle of Daihatsu in addition to products that already exist in the market, such as Xenia, Gran Max, Luxio, and the Sirion.


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